Earlier this year a few people suggested that I set up a Patreon page, to help me with the funding of some of the projects I was working on, as well as the ones I had plans to do.
The idea of a Patreon scheme is that if people like what you're doing, they can lob you a quid or two each month, to help you carry on doing it. In return, they can receive exclusive stuff from the person or organisation they're helping.
Like this "I am in a train" badge, for example
So, anyway, I set one up.
Now I am the first to admit that my updates on the Patreon have been few and far between.
But it is one of my BIG THINGS of 2020 to use the Patreon more effectively, so that those people who have supported these schemes are rewarded.
So, to start off 2020 with a bang, i'm going to give one person who supports the Patreon
£100 worth of books (of their choice)!
You lot have been so good since I went online. You've supported the Greta Thunberg Crowdfunder, the #BuyAStrangerABook thing, the Shelter Campaign and all the other shizzle too.
You've even bought books from me too!
So if you want a chance to win £100 worth of books, (and you want to help me out at the same time), join the Patreon.
One person, chosen at random will win.
I'll announce the winner on Monday January 6th 2020.