There's about a week left of this year's #BuyShelterABook campaign.
(we're raising money to send books to Shelter, to help the people they support have a better time this year. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS).
Yesterday, we crept past the £1500 mark. AMAZING!!!!
But now it is time to appeal to publishers directly to donate books, so that they can be distributed to the 12 Shelter hubs around the UK.
I've gone through the wish lists from all the hubs and this is an annotated version of all of them.
You'll notice it's pretty general, so hopefully all you lovely publishers out there will be able to spare something.
If you are not a publisher and would like to send a book, this is also encouraged.
(address to post them to follows)
A mix of books from babies to adults (this was a general feeling from the hubs).
YA and books for older children (requested by a number of different hubs)
Children’s books aged 2 – 11 (also requested by many of the hubs)
“Easy readers”
Graphic novels would be EXCELLENT - they help with English language skills
Some self-help books, like going back to work or managing well being
“We have lots of single parent families often from diverse backgrounds”, so looking for “lovely inspirational books like the following”
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
Dream Big, Little Leader by Vashti Harrison
Little Leaders: Visionary Women Around the World by Vashti Harrison
(these were specific books requested, so similar books would also be really appreciated)
Books in the following languages (this list is compiled from feedback from all the hubs. Language in order of requests)
Cooking on a budget.
self-help books, like going back to work or managing well being
Books with arts and crafts ideas or resources.
We have our older veterans - please send military history / war fiction and local history books for the Liverpool / Merseyside area would be a bonus.
Our clients have extremely varied literacy levels so some books that those with more basic literacy skills could enjoy would be good.
Here is the address to send books to.
Big Green Bookshop
PO Box 403
TN34 9LE
Yes, I realise this is absolutely shameless, but hey, Shelter.